Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Motivational Quotes

This came in my mailbox this morning. I often don't remember what I sign up for in the way of motivational/spiritual newsletters :) I liked this one and especially the part about submitting your faves to this guy so this came as a pleasant surprise and I decided to share:

Motivational Quotes

by Brian Vaszily, Founder of the Intense Experiences Program & IntenseExperiences.com

It is too easy to lose sight of what really matters in life: the relationships, goals and passions that really deserve our time and most precious resource of all, energy.

That is why I appreciate motivational quotes. Quotes are like little nudges in the side that keep us focused on what really matters. And you can quote that. :)

As a quote collector, I like to periodically publish some of the best motivational quotes I have come across. By "best" I mean those that concisely capture what seems to be some profound insight for truly being happier. Below are the latest. I encourage you to copy your favorites and locate them where you'll be nudged in the side with their message.

I am also asking that you email me one or two of YOUR all-time favorite motivational quotes at livedeeper@intenseexperiences.com. Try to put "Brian Vaszily" in the email subject line. I will republish them in future editions of the free IntenseExperiences.com newsletter.

The Motivational Quotes

In order to be effective truth must penetrate like an arrow -- and that is likely to hurt.
-- Wei Wu Wei

It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit.
–- Harry Truman

The longer you stay in one place, the greater your chance of disillusionment.
-- Art Spander

Many of the things you can count, don't count. Many of the things you can't count, really count.
- -Albert Einstein

The dreamers are the saviors of the world.
-- James Allen

xposted Rose's Garden/myspace

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