I was tagged by two different people Kimberly of TheWildHare
and Janine of AltheaPeregrine

I'm going to cheat and only do six things
totally as I am not sure I could actually think of twelve things that people might find interesting about me.
I have met Janine the owner/operator of AltheaPeregrine , so she probably knows way too much already *grin*
The rules when you are tagged are quite specific. You must share six facts about yourself that most people don’t know, and then tag six other people who need to do the same thing.
And now on to those six things:
1. I spent many years following the Grateful Dead on tour, peddling tie dyes, had a great deal of fun, and actually made more than I spent. I'm also a member of the "Rainbow Family of Living Light" and attended National Gatherings for many years. My wonderful husband kept the kiddies while I took to the road, and we're still married!! I'm not in the picture, but it is one of my tie dyes in the center.

2. I was once quite in demand as an artificial inseminater of dairy goats. I raised and showed French Alpines at the time, and while looking to improve my bloodlines became intrigued by the idea of AI (much used in cattle breeding). It didn't pay very well, but it was interesting to say the least:)
*time out to think - this is harder than I thought it would be!
3. I have owned and operated two costume shops. The first one was called "Odd Characters" and the second, "Mythfits". My partner and I made most of the costumes ourselves. We also did singing telegrams and I often dressed as a Playboy Bunny. Let me tell you those telegrams were expensive!!
4. I still heat my house with a wood stove, though we do have a furnace. I love the smell of wood smoke, and coming in from the cold to stand close and warm myself up. I will admit that we no longer go to the woods and cut what we burn. Instead we burn pallet ends from the nearby Amish sawmill.
5. I have traced both sides of my family back back back, the farthest being 1046 I think... I love genealogy and am currently working on a family history book to give my to my children. I was amazed to find how totally British ALL of my family lines turned out to be.
6. I am a professional Tarot card reader and, yes, have read cards for money though more often as a volunteer at an online site. I have been reading Tarot for nearly 30 years now and find it a valuable tool for self examination and growth. It is NOT fortune telling!!
And now that I have laid bare some strange esoteric facts about myself I'm off to tag six other people!!
Thanks for sharing these interesting tidbits about yourself! I tagged Kimberly, and it looks like she tagged you. :-)
Oh what an awesome life you have had! Great stuff to know about you!
This is so interesting roseg ! Thanks for sharing.
I already knew we were kindred spirits, but the info about the goats and costumes are really interesting, too! Great job Miss Ellie.
What interesting facts! I was a bit stumped myself, when trying to think of six things. At one point I ran downstairs to ask my husband if he could think of six interesting things about me! Good Grief!
I LOVE that you followed the Greatful Dead around, and think that is such an interesting thing to have done and to remember! And I had a goat once too, during a particularly intense back to the land period - although I never managed to raise them.
Thanks so much for sharing, and for playing!
Thanks for the tag!!!
~ Diane Clancy
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