I am happy to report that I am doing much better today. Interestingly enough the road to recovery from benzodiazapene addiction is not a linear one. After being quite ill yesterday a.m., by afternoon I was feeling better. I does make it a bit difficult to plan ahead LOL
I believe that most certainly the love and support I received from so many of my BBEST Etsy Street Team members, and the encouragement from my dear Canadian friend, nefaeria that helped me get" my groove back" :) Many thanks to each and every one of you for lifting me up yesterday.
So, as I was sitting at the computer tonight relishing some delightful solitude, I was reading a blog about needle felting written by a great BBESTer, Judy Nolan - "the scoop on felting", and thinking that only this morning I had ordered a book on making felted critters, loving the synchronicity, clicking on all the links and looking at all the cool things that folks have made, and then....
I remembered that I had a box of textile work of my own that I have been keeping for literally years and years... I fondled it, I have ideas for it, it doesn't matter if it doesn't get any farther than that. What matters is that I had a creative thought, and that I remembered that I was a fiber artist long before I picked up wire and a pair of pliers.. and that here before lies great potential for some really great fiber art.
Thanks to all the great fiber artists at Etsy for their inspiration.. and now I just got to share more what I found in the top of the closet tonight....
Lots of tie dye... some batik:

*Grr* edits! Anyhoo...
Those are PRETTY! I bet that they would make a spiffy flower child quilt ;)
And I am very happy that you are feeling better. Very good news :)
I'm so pleased you felt better, and that you found such a treasure trove. Here's hoping your inspiration continues and you can soon show us some more wonderful work.
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